The Client has been searching for an agricultural property to develop into an Equestrian Center for several years. Two properties were under consideration when I was requested to carry out site planning to ensure that the properties could be developed with the appropriate programming, which consisted of the following:
A Barn and Arena Complex which could accommodate a large Solar Array facing due south and at a 30° angle;
A Variety of Paddocks, Turn Out Rings and Circular Exercise Rings;
Manure Management and Storm Water Retention Systems;
Parking for Cars;
Storage for Trucks and Horse Trailers as per existing Bylaws;
The Possibility of Future Competition Show Rings;
A New Residence complete with a Summer House (Entertaining Pavilion) and Pond.
The layouts below show two of the three configurations for the Arena Barn Complex on one of the properties under consideration, as well as its location either in the west or east field. The site is bisected both east & west, and north & south by a stream under the jurisdiction of the local Conservation Authority (ERCA) complete with a 100 foot wide flood plain (shown by the yellow lines). Future development of the site necessitated bridging the stream with both a vehicular bridge to the west and a small vehicular bridge to the north.
The Client re-assessed their options and requested several alternates for site layout and barn arena comfigurations. |