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  "Da Boys" - The Book The Visitor  
Welsh Terrier - Bertie in the Garden
Welsh Terrier - Bertie Posing
Welsh Terrier - Bertie's First Grooming
Welsh Terrier - Bertie in his Sweater
Thursday - January 13, 2000
The Visitor

Yesterday was a whirlwind of activity and we have a "visitor" here for a while. It all started Tuesday evening when Jennifer Weeks from the Welsh Terrier Association of Canada asked if we could assist in rehoming a Welsh puppy in the Toronto area. I thought about, had a brief discussion with Ed, and we decided the least I could do was go see the dog and evaluate its situation and behaviour. I was warned that the dog had slipped on his housing training.

I sent off an email to the owners introducing myself explaining I was looking for a second dog and would like to see them and assist if I could. I didn't receive a reply right away for the owner had a new job and was traveling a lot. This is one of the reasons why the dog had to be relocated. Around noon yesterday, I received an email from the owner briefly explaining the situation and his partner would phone. Just as I was about to go off to the bank, I received a call about the dog. We had a brief discussion and decided to meet in the early afternoon. I rushed off to do my errands, walked the Bax Man, and then took a short drive to see the puppy.

This family dearly loved their puppy but had come to the realization that with all the changes in their lives and work, there was not the time to properly train and care for the puppy. They were fully aware of the needs of the dog, and really wanted to place the dog in the right home. I was impressed with this family's thoughtfulness and insight.

They were all very upset about leaving their dog and many tears ensued. However, they knew that this would be the best thing for the dear boy. Now I was only there to evaluate the dog, with the possibility of maybe taking the dog on approval after I had discussed the matter with Ed. Well it became quite apparent that the owners thought I was the best person to look after the dog, and I had to decide right then and there to take the dog. You can guess what my decision was!

Well we packed up all his belongings and a tearful goodbye was said. I felt like 'the Grinch who stole Christmas', but off we went. The puppy traveled very well in the car, until I pulled up in the driveway when he threw up all over the gear shift, seat, and carpet. So much for the new Volvo, now it was really broken in. I quickly organized him in the kitchen, keeping Baxter and the new pup apart, and I ran out and cleaned the car up. I got back to the kitchen to find a major pee in front of Baxter's crate and a big poop in front of the stove. This pup had definitely slipped on his house training. While I was cleaning that up, he threw up again.

"Oh God want have I gotten myself into."

Once I finished with being the scrub maid, I introduced the boy to Baxter. Well Bax was indifferent to him and he wasn't all that keen on the butt sniffing either. With a few growls from Baxter, the puppy backed off and we went to the park for play time.

This puppy loved the other dogs, and was beautifully socialized. He had a great time. Then we came home, I fed them, with the puppy in the xpen, and Baxter loose. More throw up and a pee occurred, followed by a clean up, and finally I collapsed on the couch.

"Oh My God."

I had not told Ed about the dog! He was at a meeting and would not get home till 10:00 pm.


Upon his arrival, I told Ed we had a visitor, and gave a brief history to him. Ed then quietly walked into the kitchen, introduced himself to the puppy, and treated the new dog like a long lost friend.

"Sometimes your partner just surprises you!"

We went off on our night walk, got everyone settled for the night and we all slept well. It snowed this morning, the puppy was introduced to snow. We had 8 paw clean up, then feeding and a little play time all together. There was again more snarling from Baxter, but the puppy always back down.

" WHEW!"

And peace reins in this household for the moment.

Ed impressed the hell out of me last night! I am definitely in the dog house for bringing home a second dog, but with a lot of understanding from a sympathetic ear.

Well with discussions with my agility buddies and Jennifer Weeks, we have a training programme all worked out, and I am now feeling a little more relaxed about the whole situation. But it is going to take some time to sort everything out.

And here are the puppy details:

His name is Bertie. He is originally from England and is 9 months old. He is very sweet and loving, and needs work. Well what 9 month old Welsh puppy doesn't? He really requires a good haircut, but has a beautiful black coat with rust furnishing. He is very different from Baxter. Baxter is very sleek, muscular like a swimmer or dancer and Bertie is more robust, manly and a little gangly for he is still a pup.

Well there is our story. We are going to take it day by day, work out the problems and differences, and see how the 2 boys get along. No long term decisions have been made but for the next few weeks Bertie is OUR NEW PUPPY.

We all have lots of adjusting to do and fully understand about having 2 males together. (Thank god both of their family jewels have been put away for safe keeping). We will evaluate the situation in about 4 weeks and see where we go.

Bill & Baxter & Bertie (The 3 B's) and Ed

(hey Bill how come this new pup has more accessories than me!!! )